Tropical living is pretty wonderful, with permanently sunny skies overhead and ocean waves at your fingertips. There’s nothing like a daily dose of Vitamin D that doesn’t come out of a bottle. On the other hand, millions of people live in major cities all over the world and can’t imagine giving up that kind of convenience and excitement. Not only that, cities tend to be where the jobs are, and we all have to make a living to afford those tropical holidays, right?
There are pros and cons for both lifestyles, and it ends up being mainly about personal preference. Have you ever thought about giving up life in the city and making a move to life on the beach? Read on and see which lifestyle is right for you.

City Living
- It’s all about the green – Salaries tend to be higher in urban areas, and jobs that can’t be remote tend to pay higher in cities up north. Not only that, job searches are far more fruitful in metropolitan areas – there are just far more of them available!
- Meet and greet – People tend to be healthier if they are among other people – which is rarely an issue in the big city. Meeting lots of new people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds is not difficult, and it’s a great way to see life from many different perspectives.
- Never a dull moment – Clubs, museums, concerts, restaurants and just so much more; cities always have so much to offer in the way of entertainment. You will never be bored if you don’t want to be, because there’s always something going on.
Life is a Beach
- Slow it down – If you’ve been to a tropical country, you probably noticed that life moves at a much slower pace. If you like the idea of lowering your blood pressure and taking it easier, tropical living may be exactly what you need.
- Natural medicine – Life in the tropics is often spent in the great outdoors, whether it’s snorkeling along the coast or hiking in the jungle. There’s nothing quite like it as a way to lower stress and improve physical health.
- Permanent vacation – Sure, you may need to continue to work if you move to the beach, but there’s nothing like sunny skies and jungle-covered mountains to convince you that your life has become a nonstop holiday.